Who are we?
Coffee grounds, a natural raw material, also came naturally to us as founders.
As a coffee grower, I couldn’t help but be concerned about the polluting destruction by a raw material that I helped bring to life.
I’ve devoted a large part of my career to growing plants in Africa, finding ecological solutions for their cultivation, looking after the land and the growers involved. Frédéric Verwilghen
As a scientist, a specialist in skin ecology and the creation of well-known cosmetic ingredients, I knew the coffee plant was very powerful. The coffee berry is the source of numerous remedies, and its simplest extracts already have cosmetic virtues, not to mention the caffeine that invigorates the whole planet.
Sébastien Ameye joined us, also motivated by doing something with the waste of coffee grounds. Dr. David F. Perry
We knew that coffee was even more valuable once drunk! The Cabeco® company was born out of our partnership, to develop new ingredients using coffee grounds generated by industry (and not domestic grounds).

Doctor and specialist in skin ecology. Researcher and Director of Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Research.
Graduate of the Institut Pasteur, Paris; 30 years’ experience in the cosmetics industry, working for some of the world’s leading laboratories (L’Oréal, Bourjois-Chanel, Guerlain and many others).
To his credit, he has registered 5 patents, from conceptualisation to development and marketing, as well as the creation of some fifteen innovative active ingredients.
A Solvay MBA graduate, Frédéric spent 8 years in Côte d’Ivoire planting coffee for an international company.
Now living in Brussels and an expert in Agro products, he is a multi-entrepreneur in the field of the circular economy.
Agricultural engineering degree from Louvain; MBA from Solvay; Multilingual: FR, NL, UK, DE, ES; Coffee, rubber, pineapple and banana (organic) planter in Côte d’Ivoire for 8 years; Specialist in agricultural, biocidal and veterinary products; Multi-entrepreneur, including several projects in the circular economy.
Sébastien Ameye
Sébastien Ameye is the founding director of Studio Art Zone, a multi-channel communications agency set up in 2003.
Before setting up his agency, Sébastien managed a French café in London for 2 years and held a number of international positions, notably in Sydney as a photographer and computer graphics designer.
With 20 years’ experience in managing and steering digital and e-commerce projects, Sébastien supervises the sales team and drives customer relations, providing a 360° vision of the reputation of Cabeco® SAS.
e.mailSAS CABECO - 968 ROUTE DE PERONNE – 59262 SAINGHIN-EN-MELANTOIS SIREN : 903062495 – VAT Numer : FR01903062495 – APE : 4775Z